Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
156 AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
Important Notice:
Do not write in the locations marked as Read Only. Doing so my cause Controller
Operating Modes Registers
Address: ^80 - Channel 1
^81 - Channel 2
Access: Read/Write
Effective: Instantly
Modifying the bits in the Operating Mode registers will change the controller’s operating
modes on-the fly. Changes take effect at the controller’s next 16ms iteration loop. After
reset, these bits get initialized according to the configuration contained in Flash.
Values are in Hexadecimal.Example: 00000101 = Hex 05
Read/Change PID Values
Address: ^82 - P1
^83 - I1
^84 - D1
^85 - P2
^86 - I2
^87 - D2
Access: Read/Write
Effective: Instantly
The Proportional, Integral and Derivative gain for each channel can be read and changed on-
the-fly. This function also provides a mean for setting different PID values for each channel.
^8B Current Amps limit 1 R Only
^8C Current Amps limit 2 R Only
TABLE 27. Operating Modes Register Definition
Bit Function
7 to 3 Not Used
2 0: Open Loop
1: Closed Loop
(when in Speed Mode)
1 0: Speed Mode
1: Position Mode
0 0: Analog Feedback
1: Encoder Feedback
TABLE 26. Runtime R/W Parameters list
Location Function R/W