AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual 167
Counter Read Data Format
RC Pulse Outputs Activation
Address: *A5
The AX3500 has 8 pulse output for commanding standard RC servos or additional control-
lers. The pulse width for every channel can only be changed using simple RS232 com-
mands. Reading and changing the pulse width is done by accessing 8 parameters that are
stored in the Encoder’s module MCU RAM. Parameter address and returned values are
two digit Hexadecimal numbers (8-bit).
The table below lists maps the RC registers that can be accessed using this command.
Counter Read Data Format
When receiving a counter read query, the encoder module will output the value of its 32-bit
counter. If all 32-bit are sent, this would require 8 ASCII digits to represent the value.
A 32-bit counter can store over 2 billion counts in each direction. In practice, it will be rare
that counts will be so large than only a partial number of the counter’s bits will be signifi-
cant at any given time.
In order to create a more efficient data stream on the controller’s serial port, a simple com-
pression technique is implemented. The scheme eliminates all of the counter’s most signif-
icant bits if they are at 0 (for a positive count number) or F (for a negative count number).
For example, if the counter value is Hex 00000015, the value 15 will be returned after a
counter query.
For negative numbers, a count value of -5 (which is FFFFFFFB in hex), the response to the
query will be B.
To distinguish between positive and negative numbers, the Encoder module will insert a 0
ahead of any number string starting with a digit value higher than 7 (i.e. 8 to F) to signify
that the number is positive. For negative numbers, the Encoder module will insert an F
TABLE 32. RC Pulse Ouput Register
Address RC Channel Default Value Size Access
*A8 RC Channel 1 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write
*A9 RC Channel 2 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write
*AA RC Channel 3 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write
*AB RC Channel 4 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write
*AC RC Channel 5 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write
*AD RC Channel 6 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write
*AE RC Channel 7 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write
*AF RC Channel 8 Hex 7F (dec 127) 1 byte Read/Write