Connecting Sensors and Actuators to Input/Outputs
60 AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
This output can be turned On and Off using the Channel 3 Joystick when in the R/C mode.
See “Note: Channel 3 is not available on the controllers equipped with encoder inputs.” on
page 124 for more information.
When the controller is used in RS232 mode, this output can be turned On and Off using
the !C (On) and !c (Off) command strings. See “Controller Commands and Queries” on
page 142 for more information.
Important warning:
Overvoltage spikes induced by switching inductive loads, such as solenoids or
relays, will destroy the transistor unless a protection diode is used.
Connecting Switches or Devices to Input F
Input F is a general purpose digital input. This input is only active when in the RS232 or
Analog modes. In R/C mode, this line is used as the radio channel 2 input.
When left open, Input F is in an undefined stage. As shown in the figure below, a pull down
or pull up resistor must be inserted when used with a single pole switch. The resistor may
be omitted when used with a dual pole switch.
5 to
Output C 1,9
Relay, Valve
Motor, Solenoid
or other Inductive Load
Ground 5
5 to
Output C 1,9
Lights, LEDs, or any other
non-inductive load
Ground 5
FIGURE 28. Connecting inductive and resistive loads to Output C