Chapter 5 Managing Switches 109
■ Configuration parameters
■ Port information and performance statistics
■ Configured zone sets
■ Configured and active security
■ Link information
■ Mouse-overs display popup-like information when you rest the cursor over
key elements, such as ports, blades, and LEDs.
The fabric updates the topology and faceplate displays by forwarding changes in
status to the management workstation as they occur. You can allow the fabric to
update the switch status, or you can refresh the display at any time. To refresh
switch status in the display, do one of the following:
■ Click the Refresh button.
■ Open the View menu and select Refresh.
■ Press the F5 key.
■ Right-click a switch in the topology display and select Refresh Switch from the
popup menu.
■ Right-click in the graphic window of the faceplate display, and select Refresh
Switch from the popup menu.
Switch Data Window
The Switch data window (FIGURE 5-5) displays current information for the selected
switches. Information in the Switch data window is grouped and viewed by the
Summary, Status, Network, User Login, Firmware, Services, Zones/Security, and
Advanced buttons. Click a button to display the corresponding information in the
data window on the right.