116 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
Configuring Port Threshold Alarms
You can configure the switch to generate alarms for selected events. Configuring an
alarm involves choosing an event type, rising and falling triggers, a sample window,
and finally enabling or disabling the alarm. To configure port threshold alarms, do
the following:
1. In the faceplate display, open the Switch menu and select Port Threshold Alarm
Configuration. The Port Threshold Alarm Configuration dialog (
prompts you to enable or disable all alarms, select an event, set triggers, set a
sample window and enable or disable an individual alarm.
Implicit Hard Zoning Introduces hardware enforcement of zoning regardless
of type. All zones and all supported zone member
types will have hardware enforcement.
Security Auto Save If enabled, the security configuration is saved to non-
volatile memory on the switch. If disabled, the security
file is saved only to temporary memory. The Auto
Save feature is used when Fabric Binding is enabled.
When Auto Save is disabled, any updates from remote
switches will not be saved locally.
Security Fabric Binding Enable If enabled, it is required that the expected domain ID
of a switch be verified before being allowed to attach
to the fabric.
Advanced Group
R_A_TOV Resource allocation timeout value
E_D_TOV Error detect timeout value
Number of Donor Groups Total number of donor port groups. A donor group is
a set of ports on a switch that can donate buffer credits
to each other.
Inactivity Timeout Number of minutes the switch waits before
terminating an idle command line interface session.
Zero (0) disables the time out threshold.
In-band Enabled N/A - does not apply to this switch
Principal Switch N/A - does not apply to this switch
TABLE 5-2 Switch Data Window Entries (Continued)
Entry Description