Chapter 1 Using Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 21
Press the F1 function key to open the online help system. With no dialog displayed,
the online help system opens to the first topic. With a dialog displayed, the help
system opens to the topic describing that dialog.
Popup Menus
Popup (or shortcut) menus provide quick access to the menu options within the
current context of the application. They are displayed when you right-click on
certain areas of the topology or faceplate displays, such as inside the graphic
window of the topology display, or on a port on the faceplate display. The options
available in popup menus vary by display type (topology or faceplate) and where
you click.
Note – Additionally, mouse-over information is displayed when you rest the cursor
over key elements in the Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 interface, such as ports, LEDs,
and fabric tree entries.
Opening the Topology Popup Menus
The topology display also offers a fabric, switch, and a link popup menu:
■ To open the fabric popup menu, right-click the graphic window background.
The fabric popup menu presents selections to refresh the fabric, select all
switches, select all links, or layout topology.
■ To open the switch popup menu, right-click the switch icon in the graphic
window. The switch popup menu presents selections to refresh the switch,
delete the switch from the display, open the Switch Properties dialog, or open
the Network Properties dialog.
■ To open the link popup menu, right-click the link. The Link popup menu
presents a selection to delete the link from the display.
Opening the Faceplate Popup Menus
To open the faceplate popup menu, right-click the faceplate image. The faceplate
popup menu presents selections to refresh the switch, select all ports, open the
Switch Properties dialog, open the Network Properties dialog, open the SNMP
Properties dialog, use the Extended Credits Wizard, open the Port Properties dialog,
run port diagnostic tests, configure RADIUS servers, open the Services dialog, and
view the Security Consistency Checklist dialog.