152 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
The SNMP v3 Manager dialog allows you to add, remove, and edit an SNMP v3
user. To display the SNMP v3 Manager dialog (
FIGURE 5-20) open the Switch menu,
select SNMP, and select SNMP v3 Manager. The SNMP v3 Security option allows
you to turn SNMP v3 security on or off.
Click the Add button to open the SNMP v3 User Editor dialog (
FIGURE 5-21), and add
an SNMP v3 user. After SNMP v3 users are configured and saved, they are
displayed in the SNMPv3 Users list window in the SNMP v3 Manager dialog. Select
a user from the list, and that user’s settings are displayed on the right in the Selected
SNMPv3 User area. The Remove and Edit buttons become active when you select a
user from the SNMP v3 Users list. Click the Remove button to delete the selected
user. Click the Edit button to open the SNMP v3 User Editor Edit User dialog in
which to change the selected user's configuration.
FIGURE 5-20 SNMP v3 Manager Dialog