Sun Microsystems 5802 Switch User Manual

Chapter 2 Managing Fabrics 41
Displaying Fabric Status
The fabric updates the topology and faceplate displays by forwarding changes in
status to the management workstation as they occur. You can allow the fabric to
update the display status, or you can refresh the display at any time. To refresh the
topology display, do one of the following:
Click the Refresh button.
Open the View menu and select Refresh.
Press the F5 key.
Right-click anywhere in the background of the topology display and select
Refresh Fabric from the popup menu.
The topology display uses switch and status icons to provide status information
about switches, inter-switch links, and the Ethernet connection. The switch status
icons, displayed on the left side of a switch, vary in shape and color. Switches
controlled by an Ethernet Internet Protocol have a colored Ethernet icon displayed
on the right side of the switch. A green Ethernet icon indicates normal operation,
yellow indicates a condition that may require attention to maintain maximum
performance, and red indicates a potential failure.
TABLE 2-2 shows the different
switch icons and their meanings.
TABLE 2-1 Devices Data Window Entries
Entry Description
Port WWN Port world wide name
Nickname Device port nickname. To create a new nickname or edit an
existing nickname, double-click the cell and enter a nickname in
the Edit Nickname dialog. Refer to “Managing Nicknames for
Fabric Devices” on page 50 for more information.
Details Click the (i) to display additional information about the device.
Refer to “Displaying Detailed Device Information” on page 49.
FC Address Fibre Channel address
Switch Switch name
Port Switch port number
Target/Initiator Device type: Target, Initiator, or Both
Vendor Host Bus Adapter/Device Vendor
Active Zones The active zone to which the device belongs
Row # Row number reference for each listing in the Devices data
window table