196 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
Note – System performance decreases as more graphs are opened. To improve
system performance, increase the polling frequency (higher number of seconds
between polls) and/or tile the graphs (fastest refresh time). Refer to “Arranging
Graphs in the Display” on page 197 for information on the arrangement and size of
graphs in the display..
To change this polling frequency, do the following:
1. Open the Graph menu, and select Set Polling Frequency to open the Set Graph
Polling Frequency dialog.
FIGURE 6-15 Set Graph Polling Frequency Dialog
2. Enter the new polling interval in seconds [1–60]. Performance View will update
the graphs once during the interval. For example, setting the polling frequency to
5 seconds will return 1 second’s worth of data every 5 seconds.
3. Click the OK button to save the changes.
Displaying Graphs
The maximum number of open graphs is 64 To display graphs, do the following:
1. Open the Fabric menu and select Add Fabric or click the Add button. Enter a
fabric name and an IP address in the Add a New Fabric dialog. Include an
account name and a password.
2. Set the graphing options and polling frequency. By default, Performance View
plots total bytes transmitted and received at a polling frequency of once per
second. Refer to “Customizing Graphs” on page 197 for information about
changing what is plotted and how it is plotted.
3. You can display graphs in the following ways:
■ Click on a switch entry handle and select one or more ports.
■ Right-click on a switch icon in the fabric tree and select Open Graph for All
Logged-In Ports from the drop-down list.