170 Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 User Guide • September 2008
FIGURE 6-1 Faceplate Display — Port Statistics
TABLE 6-1 describes the Port Statistics data window entries.
TABLE 6-1 Port Statistics Data Window Entries
Entry Description
Start Time The beginning of the period over which the statistics apply. The
start time for the Absolute view is not applicable. The start time
for the Rate view is the beginning of polling interval. The start
time for the Baseline view is the last time the baseline was set.
End Time The last time the statistics were updated on the display.
Total Time Total time period from start time to end time.
AL Init Number of times the port entered the initialization state.
AL Init Error Number of times the port entered initialization and the
initialization failed. Increments count when port has a sync loss.
Bad Frames Number of frames that were truncated due to a loss of sync or
the frame didn't end with an EOF.
Number of times more when frames were lost during a credit
recovery period than the recovery process could resolve. This
causes a Link Reset to recover the credits.