Agilent Technologies 6287 Printer Accessories User Manual

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage 11-6
Other Pseudo Transparency Mode Considerations
Some applications insert unnecessary spaces before pseudo transparency
trigger character(s). Option #13  Suppress Spaces Before PTM Packets
will tell the ULTRA to delete any spaces or null characters in between a
PTM trigger and the text that precedes the trigger. To delete unnecessary
space characters, set Option #13 to Yes. The default setting is No.
In Trigger 1 + Trigger 2 pseudo transparency mode, PTM is terminated
with any character outside the valid range of values (the valid range is 0-9
and A-F). Option #31  Discard PTM Terminating Delimiter gives users
the option of either printing or discarding the terminating character. To
discard the terminator, set Option #31 to Yes. To print the terminator, use
No, the default value.
Option #39  Non-Transparency Trigger 1 Output determines the
character that will be output to the printer when Option #30  Pseudo
Transparency Mode Selection is set to (A) Trigger 1 + Trigger 2 and when
Trigger 1 is encountered in the data stream followed by a character other
than Trigger 2. The default output character is 9Bh, which has no affect on
printed output, but the user may set the value to any two-character
hexadecimal value.