Agilent Technologies 6287 Printer Accessories User Manual

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage 5-4
9  PA Key Usage
If set to (A) Normal, and if the ULTRA is in SCS mode, the PA1 and PA2
keys on the ULTRA will function as the PA keys on a 3287 printer. If set to
(B), PA1 will send PFS 7 to the printer, and PA2 will send PFS 8 to the
printer. The default value is (A) Normal. Refer to Section 9 
Programmable Function Strings for more information on PFSs.
10  Output in ASCII or EBCDIC
Some printer types (such as Xerox 4045s) can accept EBCDIC data. This
option determines whether the ULTRA outputs data in the (A) ASCII or
(B)EBCDIC character set. A third option, (C), will have the ULTRA send
coax host data to the printer in EBCDIC and alternate host data in ASCII.
The default value is (A).
Note: Option C is useful only for users with an alternate host and a Xerox
printer capable of changing on line from XES mode to HP PCL emulation.
These printers include the models 4030, 4045-160, 4187, 4213 and 4235. If
the user selects option C, the printer must be configured by the user to start
in XES mode using the EBCDIC character set. Additionally, PFS B  Coax
Host PFS must be programmed with the =MCK= command to change to
XES mode, and PFS C  Alternate Host PFS must be programmed with the
=MCK= command to change to the HP PCL emulation. Refer to the Xerox
printer programmer reference for detailed information on changing
emulations on line. Refer to Section 6  Programmable Function Strings
for information about PFSs.
11  APL Output
In conjunction with Option #10 and Option #20, this option determines
whether or not APL output is allowed. If this option is set to Yes, APL
output will be allowed. The default value is No.
Note: Option #10 must be set to (A), because only ASCII output is
supported for APL. Additionally, Option #20 must set to (B) 2K with EAB
or (D) 4K with EAB. Additional information regarding APL support can be
found in Section 7  Translate Tables and Section 13  Coax Host
12  Reserved
This option is reserved.