
4. Click apply changes.
General form
Under Ports - Physical Ports in Expert Mode, if you select one or more ports from the ports list
and click the Modify button, the General form appears.
The General form allows you to define general port settings, connect to an IPDU port and
select the connection type to a serial port (SSH, Telnet or both).
The number of the selected port or ports displays next to the Done button at the bottom of the
form in the format: Selected ports #:N, where N stands for the port number.
Connection profiles
The following sections describe the available connection protocols for each connection to the
Console Access Server (CAS) profile connection protocols
When a serial port is connected to the console port on a device, a CAS profile must be defined
for the serial port.
Clicking Ports - Physical Ports - General and selecting the appropriate connection protocol on
the is part of defining the CAS profile.
The CAS connection protocols apply in the following cases:
When a user accesses the serial port through the web manager, the session automatically
uses the specified protocol to connect to the console of the connected device.
When a user logs in remotely to the serial port, access is allowed only for the selected
protocol. If another protocol is used then access is denied. For example, if you specify the
Console (SSH) protocol, the user can use SSH but cannot use Telnet to access the serial
The following table shows the options from the list of connection protocols when the console
server serial port is connected to the console port of a server or a device.
Protocol Name Result
AuthorizeduserscanuseTelnetto connectto the console ofthe
connected device.
AuthorizeduserscanuseSSH toconnectto theconsoleof the
connected device.
Table 9.1: Connections Protocols When a Serial Port is Connected to a Device Console Port
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