Field name Field Definition
SelectStatelessonly,Staticor DHCP methodsfrom thepull-down menufor
the desiredEthernetport configurationmethod.Selectingone oftheseoptions
choosesthemethodusedto obtainand configureIPv6addresses.
Statelessonly:IPv6localaddresseswillbeobtaineddynamicallyfrom theIPv6
router inthe localnetwork.Thismethodshouldbeusedonlyifthe other two
methodsare unavailable.LocalIPv6addressesobtainedbytherouter cannot
beusedoutside ofthelocalnetwork.
Static:ThismethodconfiguresastaticIPv6addressanditsprefixlength for the
DHCP: TheIPv6addressanditsprefixlength willbeobtaineddynamically
froma DHCPv6server.
Enter thestaticIPv6or IPv4addressofthe Ethernetport. If entering an IPv6
address,enter both the IPv6addressanditsprefixlength:
Configuring astaticIPv6addressisavailableonlyifthe IPv6Method selectedis
IPv6 Ethernet interfaces
All Ethernet interfaces must be either configured or dynamically assigned. Ethernet IPv6 can be
dynamically assigned by a DHCPv6 server.
IPv6 serial interfaces
All serial interfaces can be configured with IPv6 addresses (port IP alias).
IPv6 PPP interfaces
All PPP interfaces can be either configured or dynamically assigned with IPv6 addresses. This
includes all interface types you might configure to use PPP protocol, such as serial ports with
extended modems.
Other interfaces
All interfaces other than Ethernet and PPP will also be configured with IPv6 addresses,
including all sub-interfaces and virtual interfaces such as VPN tunnels (static IPSec tunnels).
The following list shows the network services that will be configured to support the IPv6
• Access to DNS servers
Chapter 7: Network Menu and Forms 71