Protocol Name Result
Dedicatesa server terminalconnectedto theselectedserialportto
accessaserver using theSSHv2protocol. Whentheattached
terminalisturnedon, theconsoleserver opensaSSHv2session on
the server.The server’sIPaddressshouldbe specifiedon theOther
form,Ports- PhysicalPorts- Other.
Dedicatesa terminalconnectedto theselectedserialportfor
connecting totheconsoleserver. When theattached terminalis
turned on,theconsoleserver opensa Telnet session onitself.The
user then can useanyoftheconsoleserver’sLinuxcommands.You
can alsocreatea terminalprofilemenu,Applications- Terminal
Profile Menu that enablestheuser to quicklylaunchsessionsonany
number ofremotehosts.
Dedicatesa terminalconnectedto theselectedserialportto accessa
specificremotehostusingthe Raw Socket protocol.Whenthe
attachedterminalisturnedon, the consoleserver opensaRaw
Socketsessionon thehostusing anIPaddressand TCPport
number specifiedon theOther form,Ports- PhysicalPorts-Other.
The console profile features such as data buffering, multiple users and event notifications are
not available under this profile.
When the attached terminal is turned on and the Enter key is pressed, a login banner and a
login prompt is displayed.
NOTE: If the user doesnot log in within aconfigurabletimeframe, theserialportreturnstoan idlestate.The
timeoutperiodcanbe configuredthroughthe Web Manager Ports-PhysicalPorts- Accessform.
The administrator can build custom menus using the Terminal Profile Menu form accessible
from the web manager, Applications - Terminal Profile Menu or from a terminal window using
the menush_cfg command. You should specify the bidirectional shell command, /bin/menush in
the web manager, Ports - Physical Ports - Access form.
Bidirectional Telnet protocol
Bidirectional Telnet protocol can be selected from the Ports - Physical Ports - General from.
Bidirectional Telnet supports both a CAS profile Telnet connection and a TS profile menu
shell. Both connection protocols are supported on one port; however, connections cannot be
106 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide