1. Go to Applications - Connect in Expert mode.
2. Click the Connect to ACS 5000 radio button.
3. Click the Connect button. A Java applet viewer appears.
NOTE: The loginpromptisdisplayedwhenever your securityprofileissetto Moderateor Open; otherwise, an
authenticationform appears.Youcannot authenticate unlessyou change the securityprofile toCustom and enable
allow rootaccess.
To connect to a device through a serial port:
1. Select Applications - Connect in Expert mode.
2. Click the Serial radio button.
3. Select a port number or alias from the Serial pull-down menu.
4. Click Connect. A Java applet viewer appears. If authentication is specified for the selected
port, you are prompted to log in. If not, you are logged in automatically.
IPDU Power Management
The console server recognizes and supports all Cyclades PM series IPDUs as well as Avocent
PM PDUs, Avocent SPC power devices and ServerTech Switched/Smart CDU IPDUs through
the common interface. The console server’s PMD structure accommodates the differences in
each of these IPDUs to allow more flexibility with power management options.
NOTE: ServerTechIPDUinstallation,management and operationislicensedbased throughAvocent’sDSView 3
management softwareonly.
Selecting IPDU Power Mgmt. displays five tabs in the form area, as follows:
• Outlets Manager
• Outlet Groups Ctrl
• View IPDUs Info
• Configuration
• Software Upgrade
NOTE: Usingthe IPDU power managementforms,you canmanagethe power to connecteddevicesonlyifthe
serialportwherethedevicesareconnectedisconfigured for power management.
Applications - IPDU Power Mgmt - Outlets Manager
On the Outlets Manager form under Applications-IPDU Power Mgmt., you can perform the
following tasks for all outlets on all connected IPDUs.
• Check the status of outlets
54 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide