Avocent PM PDU information displayed
Avocent PM PDUs will display the Outlet Name, Post On Delay, Post Off Delay, Current High
Critical Threshold, Current High Warning Threshold, Current Low Warning Threshold and
Current Low Critical Threshold.
Third-party IPDU information displayed
SPC power devices will display the Outlet Name, Minimum On Time, Minimum Off Time and
Wake State.
ServerTech IPDUs will display Outlet Name, Post On Delay and Wake State.
To view status, lock, unlock, rename or cycle poweroutlets:
NOTE: For agroupofoutlets,theCyclebutton operatesonlyifalloutletsofthegroup areturned ON.
1. Select Expert - Applications - IPDU Power Mgmt. - Outlets Manager. The Outlets Manager
screen appears with each IPDU listed.
2. Click the Show button associated with the IPDU whose outlets you want to manage. A list
of outlets appears.
3. To switch an outlet (or an outlet group) on or off, click its light bulb icon.
NOTE: For Avocent SPCpower devicesor Server TechnologyIPDUs,an alertwindow promptsyouthatyoumay
need torefreshyour browser to view the change inthe OutletsManager. ClickOKandcontinue.
4. To lock or unlock an outlet (or an outlet group), click its padlock icon.
NOTE: The outletlockingfunction isavailableon AvocentPMPDUsand CycladesIPDUsonly.
5. To cycle power to an outlet, click the adjacent Cycle button.
6. To change the outlet’s name or other values for the outlet, click the adjacent Edit button.
The Edit Outlet dialog box appears.
a. To change the name assigned to the outlet, enter a new name in the Outlet Name field.
Names must begin with a letter. Valid characters are letters, numbers, dash (-) and
underscore (_).
b. To change the outlet configuration, change the value in the field.
NOTE: An outletnameshouldnotbe changedifthenew outletname isusedelsewhere.
7. Click OK.
8. Click the Save Outlets State button (saves outlet states to the IPDU only).
9. Click apply changes.
56 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide