2. Click the General tab. The General form appears with the number(s) of the selected port(s)
next to the Done button at the bottom of the form and the active tabs are in yellow.
3. To change the connection protocol, select a Terminal Server connection from the
Connection Protocol pull-down menu, Telnet, SSHv1, SSHv2, Local Terminal or Raw
4. To configure a terminal to automatically connect to the console server, perform the
a. Select Local Terminal from the Connection Protocol pull-down menu.
b. Define a terminal profile menu. Terminal Profile Menu form is at Expert - Applications
- Terminal Profile Menu.
5. To configure a terminal to automatically connect to a server, perform the following steps:
a. Select Telnet, SSHv1, SSHv2 or Raw Socket from the Connection Protocol pull-down
b. Specify authorized users/groups and the authentication method in the Access form.
c. Specify the TCP Port number, the IP address of the remote host and the terminal type
using the Other form. The Other form is located at Ports - Physical Ports - Modify
Selected Ports - Other.
6. If you are finished, click Done.
7. Click apply changes.
To configure a serial port connection protocol for an external modem:
This procedure assumes that the selected serial port is physically connected to an external
1. Go to Ports - Physical Ports in Expert mode, select a port or ports to modify, click the
appropriate Modify Ports button. The General form appears.
2. Click the General tab. The General form appears with the number(s) of the selected port(s)
next to the Done button at the bottom of the form and the active tabs are in yellow.
3. To change the connection protocol, select one of the options from the Connection Protocol
pull-down menu: PPP-No Auth., PPP, SLIP or CSLIP.
4. If you wish to change any of the other current settings, see To configure serial port settings
to match the connected devices: on page 111.
NOTE: Mostmodemshavehardware flowcontrolconfigured;thisrequiresconfigurationof hardware flowcontrol
in theserialportsettings.
Chapter 9: Ports Menu and Forms 109