10. For a dedicated terminal, enter the IP address of the desired host in the Host to Connect
11. Enter the type of terminal in the Terminal Type field.
12. Click Done.
13. Click apply changes.
Virtual Ports
NOTE: VirtualPortsisavailable onlyfor IPv4protocol.
The virtual ports form allows you to perform clustering of the console server. The console
server clustering is designed to allow a large number of serial ports (up to 1024) to be
configured and virtually accessed through one IP address.
NOTE: Clusteringonlyworksfor portsthatareconfigured asCASprofile.
You can use one console server as the master to control other console servers as slaves. The
ports on the slave unit(s) appear as if they are part of the master.
NOTE: MultipleIPDUsshouldonlybeconnectedand daisy-chainedthroughthe serialport of themaster console
server whenyouareconfiguringa cluster.
This section shows you how to define and configure the slaves.
The following table describes the fields available in the Virtual Ports New/Modify Port dialog
Field Name Definition
Number of Ports Number ofportsoneachslaveunit.Choicesare4, 8, 16, 32and48.
FirstLocalPort Number
Thefirstunallocatedport number for the Slave.For example,ifthe
master unithas16 ports,ports1-16areallocated.The FirstLocalPort
Number isthen17.
TheIP addressfor the master consoleserver or itcanbe the globalIP
addressofthecluster inthe network.
ThefirstTCPportnumber for theslave.For example,ifthe master unit
has16ports,the allocated TCP portnumberstothemaster are 7001-
7016. TheFirstLocalTCPPortNo.isthen7017.ThisisavirtualTCP
Table 9.11: New/Modify Port Dialog Box Fields.
124 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide