Field or Menu Option Description
SNMP v1 andv2only.A Communitydefinesanaccessenvironment.The
typeof accessisclassifiedunder Permission:either read onlyor readwrite.
Themostcommon communityispublic.
NOTE: Takecaution in usinga publiccommunitynameasitiscommonly
known.Bydefault,the publiccommunitycannot accessSNMPinformation
SNMP v1 andv2only.Validentriesare defaultor asubnetaddress, for
OID ObjectIdentifier.Eachmanagedobjecthasaunique identifier.
ReadOnlyaccesstothe entire MIB exceptfor SNMPconfigurationobjects.
Read/WriteaccesstotheentireMIB exceptfor SNMPconfigurationobjects.
User Name andPassword SNMP v3 only.
Clicking the Add or Edit buttons under SNMPv1/SNMPv2 Configuration displays the
New/Mod SNMP v1 v2 Configuration dialog box.
Clicking the Add or Edit buttons under SNMPv3 Configuration displays the New/Mod SNMP
v3 Configuration dialog box.
To configure SNMP:
1. Go to Networks - SNMP. The SNMP form appears.
2. To enable any version of SNMP, perform the following:
a. To add an SNMPv1/SNMPv2 entry, press the Add button under the SNMPv1/SNMPv2
Configuration table.
b. To add an SNMPv3 entry, press the Add button at the bottom of the SNMPv3
Configuration table. The New/Modify SNMP Daemon Configuration dialog box
3. To edit any SNMP configuration, perform the following steps.
a. For SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 select the entry from the SNMPv1/SNMPv2 configuration
list and click the Edit button.
b. To edit an SNMPv3 entry, select an entry from the SNMPv3 Configuration list and
click the Edit button. The New/Modify SNMP Daemon Configuration dialog box
78 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide