Connection protocols for serial ports
You can access a server or a device connected to a serial port by using the connection protocol
specified for the port. The following table shows the protocols available for the serialports.
Connection Type Protocol
ConsoleAccessServer (CAS) Telnet, ssh,Telnet&ssh, Raw
TerminalServer (TS) Telnet, sshv1, sshv2,LocalTerminal, Raw Socket
Other Power Management, Bi-directionalTelnet
Table 3.3: Available Serial Port Protocols
TCP port numbers for serial ports
The TCP port numbers by default start at 7001 for serial port 1 and increment up to the number
of serial ports on your console server. The console server administrator may change the default
port numbers if needed.
To use Telnet to connect to a device through a serial port:
For this procedure you need the hostname of the console server or its IP address and the TCP
port number for the serial port to which the device is connected.
• To use Telnet in a shell, enter the following command:
telnet <hostname | IP_address> TCP_port_number
To close a Telnet session:
Enter the Telnet hotkey defined for the client. The default is Ctrl and q to quit.
To use SSH to connect to a device through a serial port:
For this procedure, you need the username configured to access the serial port, the TCP port
number and the hostname of the console server or its IP address.
• To use SSH in a shell, enter the following command:
SSH - # ssh -l username:TCP_port_number <console_server_IP_address|or
the hostname>
To close an SSH session:
Enter the hotkey defined for the SSH client followed by a period. The default is ~.
NOTE: Makesureyouenter the escapecharacter followedbya periodatthe beginning ofa lineto closetheSSH
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ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide