Adding a User
If you click the Add button on the Security - Users and Groups form under the Users List, the
Add User dialog box appears. The following table describes the fields in the Add User dialog
Field Name Definition
User Name Nameofthe user tobeadded.
Password Thepassword associatedwith theusername.
Onthe Group pull-downmenu,selectRegular User [Default]or Admin.
NOTE: To configurea user tobeableto performalladministrativefunctions,select
the Admin group.
Optional.Thedefaultshellis/bin/shwhenthe user makesaSSH or Telnet
Comments Optionalnotesaboutthe user’sroleor configuration.
Table 8.1: Expert - Add User Dialog Field Names and Definitions
Adding a Group
If you click the Add button on the Security - Users and Groups form under the Group List, the
Add Group dialog box appears. Add a new group by entering a group name and add individual
users separated by commas.
To add a user:
1. Go to Security - Users and Groups. The Users and Groups form displays.
2. Click Add. The Add User dialog box displays.
3. Enter the username in the User Name field.
4. Enter the password in the Password and Repeat Password fields.
5. Assign a group from the Group pull-down menu.
6. Optional: Select a shell from the Shell pull-down menu.
7. Optional: Enter information, as desired, about the user’s role or responsibilities.
8. Click OK.
9. Click apply changes.
To delete a user or group:
1. Go to Security - Users and Groups. The Users and Groups form displays.
90 Cyclades
ACS5000 Installation/Administration/User Guide