Chapter 3
Installing the System
Connecting the MP to the Customer LAN
This is the host name for the customer LAN. You can use any name you like. The name can be up to
64 characters long, and can include alphanumerics, dash (-), under score (_), period (.), or space. HP
recommends that the name be a derivative of the complex name. For example, Maggie.com_MP.
Step 7. Enter the LAN parameters for Subnet mask and Gateway address.
This information comes from the customer.
Step 8. To display the LAN parameters and status, enter the ls command at the MP Command Menu
prompt (MP:CM>).
A screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3-40 appears.
Figure 3-40 The ls Command Screen
To return to the MP Main Menu, enter ma.
To exit the MP, enter x at the MP Main Menu.
Step 9. Check the settings for the model string, UUID, and Creator Product Name using the MP:CM> ID
command. See the following example for details:
MP modifiable stable complex configuration data fields.
Model String : 9000/800/SD32B
Complex System Name : maggie
Original Product Number: A5201A
Current Product Number : A9834A
UUID : ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff
Creator Manufacturer : hp
Creator Product Name : superdome server SD32B
Creator Serial Number : USRxxxxxxxx
OEM Manufacturer :
OEM Product Name :
OEM Serial Number :USRxxxxxxxx
Step 10. Set the date and time using the MP command.