Chapter 1
Server Configurations
Server Configurations
Refer to the HP System Partitions Guide (5990-8170A) for extensive details on the topic of proper
configurations. Also, an interactive program found on the PC SMS, titled “Superdome Partitions Revisited,”
can be very useful.
Basic Configuration Rules
Single-cabinet system:
- Two to 32 CPUs per complex with single-core processors
- Four to 64 CPU cores per complex with dual-core processors
- Minimum of one cell
- Maximum of eight cells
Dual-cabinet system:
- 6 to 64 CPU cores per complex with single-core processors
- Twelve to 128 CPU cores per complex with dual-core processors
- Minimum of 3 cells
- Maximum of 16 cells
- No master/checker support for dual-core processors
The governing rules for mixing processors is as follows:
- No mixing of frequencies on cell or intra-partition
- No mixing of cache sizes on cell or intra-partition
- No mixing of major steppings on cell or intra-partition (TBD)
- No support for IA and PA processor within the same complex
Maximum of 32 DIMMs per cell.
- 32 GB memory per cell with 256 Mb SDRAMs (1 GB DIMMs)
- 64 GB memory per cell with 512 Mb SDRAMs (2 GB DIMMs)
- DIMM mixing is allowed