NOTE 1: When MD0 is set and the input terminal SFT is turned ON, the data of all functions is locked. When MD2 is
set (stored), the data of all the functions is locked. During locking, no data can be changed. MD1, MD3
can set only the output frequency.
NOTE 2: Electronic thermal characteristic free setting current and frequency depends on the inverter rating.
(Function mode 1) (Function mode 2)
Setting, change
Function Function Initialization display Initialization
Setting contents
No. name contents
16 F-23 Electronic E-THM A1 8.5A Rated capacity of 0 to 600.0 A
Electronic thermal each inverter
(NOTE 2) free setting
current (1)
Electronic E-THM F1 0000 Hz Rated capacity of 0 to 400 Hz
thermal each inverter
free setting
frequency (1)
Electronic E-THM A2 8.5A Rated capacity of 0 to 600.0 A
thermal each inverter
charac teristic
free setting
current (2)
Electronic E-THM F2 5 Hz Rated capacity of 0 to 400 Hz
thermal each inverter
free setting
frequency (2)
Electronic E-THM A3 13.0 A Rated capacity of 0 to 600.0 A
thermal each inverter
free setting
current (3)
Electronic E-THM F3 73 Hz Rated capacity of 0 to 400 Hz
thermal each inverter
free setting
frequency (3)
17 F-24 Overload OLOAD LEVEL125% 125% 50 to 150% Under the sensorless vector
Overload restriction control, an overload is detected
restriction level setting from both the overload restric-
tion and torque limiter.
Overload OLOAD CONST01.0 1.0 0.3 to 31.0 When the setting is 31.0 in SLV
restriction or V2 control mode, the
constant overload restriction has no
setting effect.
Valid OLOAD ACC ON ON ON: Valid for Even if the function is set to
selection acceleration OFF, the overload restriction is
for overload Keep the invalid only for the first
restriction function ON acceleration when the forward
acceleration for operation. and reverse run command is
turned on.
18 F-25 Software S-LOCK MD1 MD1 MD0/MD1 MD0, MD1: Terminal software
lock MD2/MD3 lock (SFT)
selection MD2, MD3: Software lock
(NOTE 1)