94 Kodak ESP 9 Printer User Guide
Probable Cause 2
More than one type or size of paper is loaded.
Corrective Action
Load only one type or size of paper at a time.
Print spotted
Probable Cause
Paper may be dirty.
Corrective Action
Use a dry, lint-free cloth to wipe clean. For excessive dirt or debris, thoroughly clean the
paper tray, and load new paper.
Print too dark
• Try retaking the picture with the flash on, or move within the flash range of the camera.
Refer to your camera user’s guide for details.
• Adjust the exposure compensation on your camera, and try taking the picture again.
Refer to your camera user’s guide for details.
• Edit the picture using Kodak Home Center (Windows only) or other image editing
• Make sure the printer is not placed in direct sunlight or is not operating in a high-
temperature environment.
Print too light
• Make sure the paper is loaded with the print side face down. Reload it if necessary.
• Try taking the picture again with the flash off. Refer to your camera user’s guide for
• Adjust the exposure compensation on your camera and try taking the picture again.
Refer to your camera user’s guide for details.
• Edit the picture on your computer.
Note: When you are not using the printer, keep paper tray covers closed to keep
dust and debris from collecting on the paper or inside the printer.
Caution: For best results, use Kodak paper and ink cartridges for your Kodak
All-in-One printer.