McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace Network Card User Manual

Error Messages
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500
Message Error 57: Duplicate Zone
Description Two or more zone names in the zone set are identical.
Action All zone names must be unique. Make the appropriate changes and
Message Error 59: Zone Name in Use
Description Two or more zone names in the zone set are identical.
Action All zone names must be unique. Make the appropriate changes and
Message Error 60: Invalid Number of Zone Members
Description The entered command tried to add more zone members than the zone
can hold.
Action Reduce the number of zone members in the zone and re-submit the
Message Error 61: Invalid Zone Member Type
Description A zone member was entered that is neither a WWN nor a Domain,
Port pair.
Action Zone members must be expressed in WWN format or as a Domain,
Port pair. Make the appropriate changes and re-submit. For more
information, see config.zoning.addWwnMem on page 2-48 and
config.zoning.addPortMem on page 2-49.
Message Error 62: Invalid Zone Set Name
Description The value entered for the zone set name is invalid.
Action The zone set name must be contain 164 characters. The valid
character set for the zone name can be found in config.zoning.addZone
on page 2-47. Make the appropriate changes to the zone set name and