McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace Network Card User Manual

Error Messages
Error Messages
Message Error 79: FRU Failed
Description The specified FRU has failed.
Action Consult the installation/service manual for appropriate action.
Message Error 81: Default Zone Enabled
Description The request cannot be completed because the default zone is enabled
Action Disable the default zone and re-submit the command.
Message Error 82: Invalid Interop Mode
Description The value entered for the interoperability mode is not valid.
Action The interoperability mode for the director or switch must be mcdata
(McDATA Fabric 1.0) or open (Open Fabric 1.0). Make the
appropriate changes and re-submit the command.
Message Error 83: Not Allowed in Open Fabric Mode
Description This request cannot be completed while this switch is operating in
Open Fabric 1.0 mode.
Action Configure the interop mode to McDATA Fabric 1.0 mode.
Message Error 88: Invalid Feature Key Length
Description The feature key installed is longer than the maximum length allowed.
Action Be sure that the key has been entered correctly and re-submit. Contact
your sales representative with any further problems.