McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace Network Card User Manual

Error Messages
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500
Message Error 116: Switch Not Capable of 2 Gb/sec
Description The request cannot be completed because the switch is not capable of
operating at 2 Gbps.
Action Consult the installation/service manual to determine the speed
capabilities of your product.
Message Error 117: Port Speeds Cannot be Set at Higher Data Rate than
Switch Speed
Description This request cannot be completed because the requested port speed is
faster than the currently-configured switch speed.
Action The switch speed should first be configured to accommodate changes
in the configured port speed. The ports can not operate at a faster rate
than the switch, itself. Update the switch speed and re-submit the
request. For more information, see config.switch.speed on page 2-38
and config.port.speed on page 2-11.
Message Error 118: Invalid Port Speed
Description This request cannot be completed because the requested port speed is
not recognized for this product.
Action Port speeds may be set to 1 Gbps or 2 Gbps. Update the port speed
and re-submit the request.
Message Error 119: Switch Speed Not 2 Gb/sec
Description This request cannot be completed because the switch speed has not
been set to 2 Gbps.
Action The switch speed must be set to 2 Gbps in order to accommodate a
port speed of 2 Gbps. Update the switch speed and re-submit the