McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace Network Card User Manual

Using the commaDelim Command
Note that the output examples shown in the other sections of this
publication presume that commaDelim is off.
6\QWD[ commaDelim enable
3XUSRVH This command enables the user to obtain displayed information in
comma-delimited, rather than tabular, format. Tabular format is the
'HVFULSWLRQ This command can be entered at any point in the command tree.
3DUDPHWHU This command has one parameter
&RPPDQG([DPSOHV Root> commaDelim true
Config> commaDelim 1
Config.Port> commaDelim false
2XWSXW([DPSOH Output displayed in commaDelim mode is as follows:
Root> show eventLog
Date/Time,Code,Severity,FRU,Event Data,
04/12/01 10:58A,375,Major,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F,
04/12/01 10:58A,375,Major,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F,
04/12/01 9:58A,385,Severe,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F,
04/11/01 7:18P,395,Severe,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F,
enable Specifies the comma-delineated state for
output. Valid values are true and false. Boolean 1
and 0 may be substituted as values.