McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace Network Card User Manual

P/N 620-000134-500 McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL
Gx_Port A port configuration allowing a port to transition operationally to
FL_Port as well as to the port operational states described for a
G_Port. Only the Sphereon 4500 Switch supports the configuration of
this port type.
hop Data transfer from one node to another node.
hop count The number of hops a unit of information traverses in a fabric.
hub In Fibre Channel, a device that connects nodes into a logical loop by
using a physical star topology.
information message A message telling a user that a function is performing normally or has
completed normally. See also error message; warning message.
initial program load Process of initializing the device and causing the operating system to
start. Initiated through a menu in the Product Manager, this option
performs a hardware reset on the active CTP only.
interface Hardware, software, or both, linking systems, programs, or devices.
Internet protocol
A unique string of numbers (in the format that
identifies a device on a network.
interoperability The ability to communicate, execute programs, or transfer data
between various functional units over a network.
interswitch link Also known as ISL. Physical E_Port connection between two directors
in a fabric.
IP address See Internet protocol address.
IPL See initial program load.
ISL See interswitch link.