Error Messages
Error Messages
Message Error 233: Invalid Member
Description The zone member added is not valid.
Action For the appropriate parameters, see the section of the manual that
corresponds to the attempted command. Parameters must be typed
exactly to specification to be recognized correctly by the CLI.
Message Error 234: Invalid Command
Description The CLI cannot associate an action with the submitted command. The
command may be misspelled, required parameters may be missing,
or the request may not be applicable to the branch of the CLI tree
from which it was submitted.
Action Consult the documentation for the command to be sure this
command was entered correctly, all parameters are valid and present,
and that the syntax is correct.
Message Error 235: Unrecognized Command
Description The CLI does not recognize the command and cannot perform the
help ’?’ command as requested.
Action The entered command is misspelled or the prompt is not positioned
at the right place in the CLI command tree for this command. For the
appropriate syntax, see the section of the manual that corresponds to
the attempted command.
Message Error 236: Ambiguous Command
Description The CLI does not recognize the command issued.
Action The CLI cannot interpret the command because a unique match
cannot be identified. For the appropriate syntax, see the section of the
manual that corresponds to the attempted command. Enter the
complete command and re-submit.