McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace Network Card User Manual

CLI Commands
6\QWD[ date sysDate sysTime
3XUSRVH This command sets the system date and time.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has two required parameters.
&RPPDQG([DPSOHV Root> config system date 04:16:2001 10:34:01
Root> config system date 10/09/2001 14:07:55
6\QWD[ description systemDescription
3XUSRVH This command sets the system description string.
3DUDPHWHUV This command has one parameter.
&RPPDQG([DPSOH Root> config system description McDATA Intrepid 6064
Fibre Channel Director
sysDate Specifies the new system date. The format of the
date parameter must be mm:dd:yyyy or
mm/dd/yyyy. Valid date values include:
mm: 112
dd: 131
yyyy: >1980
sysTime Specifies the new system time. The format of
the time parameter must be hh:mm:ss. Valid
time values include:
hh: 023
mm: 059
ss: 059
systemDescription Specifies the new system description string for
the director or switch. The name can contain
0255 characters.