McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace Network Card User Manual

Error Messages
McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interface USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500
Message Error 138: Invalid Switch Binding State
Description The switch binding state submitted is not recognized by the CLI.
Action The switch binding state must be set to one of the following: disable,
erestrict, frestrict, or allrestrict. For more information, see on page 2-23.
Message Error 139: Insistent Domain ID’s Must Be Enabled When Fabric
Binding Active
Description The user attempted to disable insistent domain IDs while fabric
binding was active.
Action Insistent domain IDs must remain enabled while fabric binding is
active. If fabric binding is set to inactive, the insistent domain ID state
may be changed. It should be noted, however, that this can be
disruptive to the fabric.
Message Error 140: Invalid Insistent Domain ID State
Description The request cannot be completed because an invalid insistent domain
ID state has been submitted.
Action The insistent domain ID state must be set to either enable or disable.
For more information, see config.switch.insistDomainId on page 2-33.
Message Error 141: Invalid Enterprise Fabric Mode
Description The request cannot be completed because an invalid enterprise fabric
mode has been submitted.
Action The enterprise fabric mode must be set to either activate or deactivate.
For more information, see config.features.enterpriseFabMode on
page 2-3.