Xilinx UG492 Switch User Manual

Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide www.xilinx.com 147
UG492 July 23, 2010
Directory and File Contents
The results directory is created by the implement script, after which the implement script
results are placed in the results directory.
<component name>/simulation
The simulation directory and subdirectories that provide the files necessary to test a
Verilog or VHDL implementation of the example design. For more information, see
“Example Design,” page 152.
The functional directory contains functional simulation scripts provided with the core.
Table 15-6: Results Directory
Name Description
routed.v[hd] Back-annotated SimPrim-based model used
for timing simulation.
routed.sdf Timing information for simulation.
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Table 15-7: Simulation Directory
Name Description
demo_tb.v[hd] The demonstration test bench for the example
design. Instantiates the example design (the
Device Under Test (DUT)), generates clocks,
resets, and gathers statistics as the simulation
is run.
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Table 15-8: Functional Directory
Name Description
simulate_mti.do ModelSim macro file that compiles Verilog or
VHDL sources and runs the functional
simulation to completion.
wave_mti.do ModelSim macro file that opens a wave
window and adds signals of interest to it. It is
called by the
simulate_mti.do macro file.
simulate_ncsim.sh IES script file that compiles the Verilog or
VHDL sources and runs the functional
simulation to completion.