38 www.xilinx.com Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
UG492 July 23, 2010
Chapter 4: Generating the Core
Parameter Values in the XCO File
XCO file parameter names and their values are identical to the names and values shown in
the GUI.
Table 4-1 shows the XCO file parameters and values and summarizes the GUI defaults.
The following is an example of the CSET parameters in an XCO file:
CSET component_name=eth_avb_endpoint_v2_4
CSET number_of_plb_masters=2
CSET plb_base_address=00000000
Output Generation
The output files generated by the CORE Generator software are placed in the project
directory. The list of output files includes the following items.
• The netlist file for the core
• Supporting CORE Generator software files
• Release notes and documentation
• Subdirectories containing an HDL example design
• Scripts to run the core through the back-end tools and to simulate the core using
Mentor Graphics ModelSim v6.5c, Cadence Incisive Enterprise Simulator (IES) v9.2,
and Synopsys VCS and VCS MX 2009.12
See the following chapters for a complete description of the CORE Generator software
output files and for detailed information about the HDL example design.
• Chapter 14, “Quick Start Example Design”
• Chapter 15, “Detailed Example Design (Standard Format)”
• Chapter 16, “Detailed Example Design (EDK format)”
Table 4-1: XCO File Values and Default Values
Parameter XCO File Values Default GUI Setting
component_name ASCII text starting with a letter and
based on the following character
set: a..z, 0..9 and _
generate_as_edk_pcore Select between true and false false
number_of_plb_masters Select from the range: 1 to 16 2
plb_base_address Select from the range: 0x00000000
to 0xFFFF8000