54 www.xilinx.com Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
UG492 July 23, 2010
Chapter 5: Core Architecture
PLB_wrPendPri[0:1] Input Unused. PLB pending read bus request
PLB_reqPri[0:1] Input Unused. PLB request priority.
Sl_addrAck Output Slave address acknowledge
Sl_SSize[0:1] Output Slave data bus size.
Sl_wait Output Slave wait indicator.
Sl_rearbitrate Output Slave rearbitrate bus indicator. Not used,
tied to logic 0.
Sl_wrDack Output Slave write data acknowledge
Sl_wrComp Output Slave write transfer complete indicator
Sl_WrBTerm Output Slave terminate write burst transfer.
Sl_rdBus[0:31] Output Slave read data bus
Sl_rdWdAddr[0:3] Output Slave read word address
Sl_rdDAck Output Slave read data acknowledge
Sl_rdComp Output Slave read transfer complete indicator
Sl_rdBTerm Output Slave terminate read burst transfer.
Sl_MBusy[0:NUM_MASTERS-1] Output Slave busy indicator
Sl_MWrErr[0:NUM_MASTERS-1] Output Unused, tied to logic 0. Slave write error
Sl_MRdErr[0:NUM_MASTERS-1] Output Unused, tied to logic 0. Slave read error
Sl_MIRQ[0:NUM_MASTERS-1] Output Unused, tied to logic 0. Slave interrupt
Table 5-9: PLB Signals (Cont’d)
PIN Name Direction Description