Barco XHD Printer User Manual

Figure H.4. Toolbar
A toolbar is also available to handle Viewport manipulation, alongwith other 2d-mode
features.The Select,Pan,Zoom In,and ZoomOut tools allow youto usetheir respective
manipulation modes. The Zoom-to-Fit icon centers the Viewport on the stage. The
Snapping icon enables or disablessnapping for displays and media element manipula-
tion. The Lock Displays icon locks or unlocks the selection of displays. The Stage Prop-
erties icon shows the stage's properties in the Properties pane.
2D media manipulation
In order to move and resize media more easily when in 2D mode (or when in a screen
in 3D mode), adorners, align and fit options, snapping, and other highly visual and in-
teractive features are available. Most of an element's properties can be set by using the
Properties pane, but these tools provide a generally more efficient and intuitive way to
work with media.
Barco Pn: 60600320122
Appendix H: ToolsBarco Media Server XHD-Series User Guide