
When enabled, the following options can additionally be set.
Rendering Mode
Identifies a specific rendering mode for calibration
Targets Transform Mode
Specifies how movinga pointinfluencesthecalibra-
tion (Freeform, Roll, Zoom, or Pan)
Do Not Blend With
Specifies for which other projectors this projector
should not calculate the automatic blending
Toggles the automatic blending between enabled
and not enabled for this projector
Adjust Black Level
Toggles the black level adjustment between en-
abledand not enabledand displays the value of
the black level multiplier
Sets the value of the dimmer of this projector
Adjusts the gamma of this projector
Black Level Compensation
Toggles the black-level compensation between not
enabledand enabledfor this projector
The value can also be set, which affects how the
black-level compensation is spread.
Blending Optimization
Toggles the blending optimization between "not en-
abled" and "enabled"
The KSet1 can also be set, which affects how the
automatic blending is spread.
2D projector calibration
Edge Warping
Use theEdge Warping tool to move ordistortparts ofthe image projected by the camera.
Arbitrary triangles or quads in the image can be defined and moved. This tool can be
used along with any other tool.
Although it couldbe used to calibrate a projector by itself,this tool is best used to apply
small adjustments after the Calibration layout has been used to roughly calibrate the
projectors, or to move elements in a 2D display that have been output to a matrix.
As opposed to the Warping tool, which produces a smooth image, this tool is more
suited for shows that have geometric surfaces or content containing straight edges. The
Warping tool would smooth the edges, which could produce undesirable results, but
the Edge Warping tool allows you to exactly position a shape.
This tool is based around the concepts of points and shapes. Points are defined in the
image, and shapes (triangles or quads) are defined using those points. These shapes
and their points can then be moved, changing where those elements are placed in the
Barco Pn: 60600320164
Appendix I: Workflow layoutsBarco Media Server XHD-Series User Guide