
4. Use the cropping template to crop content with the Media Encoder.
This produces a video package. The package can be dragged on the
Timeline like a video. To output the package from multiple player
machines, enable the "Canvas texturing" option for the video element.
Working with UV mapping
The use of content viewpoints can be limiting in some situations, for example:
1. Video projectors surround the projection surface on which you expect
to project from all angles.
2. The projection surface surrounds the video projectors.
In both scenarios, using a single content viewpoint is not enough to cover the whole
projection surface. In those situations, you might consider using the UV mapping
technique to achieve an 'all-around' projection.
UV mappingconsists ofunfoldinga 3Dmodelonto aflat surface, likea pieceof clothing
is composed of multiple cut of 2D pieces tied together. This 2D unfolded version of the
model canthen be exported asa 2Dimage, sothat artistscan draw into it,as they would
do insideacontent viewpoint. Themaindifference isthat acustom-madeUV mapallows
coverage of ALL desired angles for the projection surface.
Figure I.22. 3D cube
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Appendix I: Workflow layoutsBarco Media Server XHD-Series User Guide