Figure H.5. 2D media manipulation
To add media to a Timeline in 2D mode, you can still drag the media on the Timeline,
but it is also possible to drag the media directly in the Viewport. Doing so adds the
media at the current playhead time on the current Timeline at the 2D position at which
it was dropped in the Viewport. The layer on which the media is placed is the topmost
free layer at the current playhead time.
Media can be manipulated in this way only when a Timeline is paused.Only the media
displayed at the paused time can be selected and manipulated, and the media must be
on the currently active Timeline. If a media satisfies these criteria, it can be selected in
multiple ways. As in 3D mode, clicking on the Timeline element selects it. In 2D mode,
it is also possible to select the media elements directly in the Viewport by clicking on
them. A selection rectangle on left-mouse click-and-drag can be used to select multiple
elements onthe Timeline,as inthe 3Dmode,and alsoin the Viewport. Multipleselections
can also be performed in the Viewport by using Ctrl-click.
Selected media show an adorner in the Viewport. The adorner can be used to move (by
dragging the adorner), rotate (by using the rotate gizmo), and resize (by dragging the
corners) selected elements.Hold the Shiftkeyto preserve theaspect ratio whileresizing.
When moving media,snapping to adjacent elementscan be toggled onand off by using
the Viewport's toolbar icon.
123Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideAppendix H: Tools