
Calibration interface elements
The main Panes used inthis layout are the Displays pane, the Calibration pane, and the
Viewport pane. Timeline related panes are also visible, so that you can test with actual
content while calibrating. SeeWindow menupanes (p.93) for descriptions ofthe elements
of the interface.
Unlikethe other layouts, the Calibration Layout displays theCalibrationpane
by default, instead of the Properties pane. The purpose of this layout is only
to calibrate projectors, not modify their properties. If needed however, the
Properties pane can still be shown by selecting it from the Window menu.
3D calibration
Reverse mapping
Reverse Mapping is the preferred mapping tool when projecting onto a surface that is
not flat. This mapping tool requires you to have an accurate 3D model of the projection
surface onto which you are projecting.
The Reverse Mappingtooladjusts the positionof projected material by moving arbitrary
3D points in the view. These 3D points should be placed correctly on the real model,
which allows the Reverse Mapping tool to deduce the real position of the projector and
createtheproper projected image.Automatic blendingis alsocalculatedbased onreverse
mapping of multiple projectors.
Do not use the Reverse Mapping tool when using the Warping tool to do a
full-screen keystone.
Reverse mapping workflow
1. Select the projector you want to reverse map in the Displays pane.
2. Click the Reverse Mapping drop-down menu, in the Calibration pane,
and click Start Calibration.
3. Click Creation Target Mode, in the Setup section of the projector's
properties, and place a target on the geometry by left clicking in the
Targets should be strategically spread across key vertices of the geo-
metry - usually corners and other prominent features.
4. Left-click to placethe real positionofthe target,shownbya greencross
at the correct position on the real physical model.
Barco Pn: 60600320162
Appendix I: Workflow layoutsBarco Media Server XHD-Series User Guide