Figure H.22. Inserting a keyframe by hovering
Notes to Figure H.22, “Inserting a keyframe by hovering”
1. Unfold the layer.
2. Hover and click to insert keyframe.
You can move the Keyframe left and right anywhere on the Timeline. Whenever a
Keyframe-enabled property is modified, the value of the Keyframe at the current play-
head position is updated. If no Keyframes are present at that time, one is created with
the newproperty value.The interpolation betweenvaluescan beeitherSpline orLinear.
You can select the interpolation mode by using the icon next to the property name. You
can also move between Keyframes by using the left and right arrows.
Tangent control
You can fine tune animation curves by manipulating the slope of the curve at each
keyframe. To enable tangent control…
1. Make sure the interpolation mode is set to Spline by clicking on the
Spline icon.
2. Unfold the animation layer to make the curve appear.
3. Click on a keyframe to make the tangents appear.
Once tangent control is enabled, you can click and drag the tangent endpoints to fine
tune the shape of the curve.
Figure H.23. Tangent control
Notes to Figure H.23, “Tangent control”
1. Spline icon
2. Handle
By default, X-Agoraensures thatthe curvekeeps asmooth slope,with nodiscontinuities.
If you want to change that and allow the curve to have spikes and angles, select the
keyframe and uncheck the "Symmetric" property.
137Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideAppendix H: Tools