Createsa default configurationof control pointsbased
on a preset.
Pointscan beaddedordeleted fromanypreset.When
changing from one preset to another, the existing
warping is preserved as much as possible.
Creates four points in the corners of the image.
Use this default preset to do a simple keystone.
Creates four points in the corners of the image and two points at the
centers of the horizontal borders.
Use this preset to map a horizontally curved screen or cylinder.
Creates four points in the corners of the image and two points at the
centers of the vertical borders.
Use this preset to map a vertically curved screen or cylinder.
Creates ninepoints resultingin the intersection of the horizontal and
vertical borders and centers.
Use this preset for more complex mapping (for example, a dome) or
image correction. More points will likely need to be added.
Table I.1. Warping control presets
Recreates the original preset configuration of control points,
and resets the positions of the control points to their original
Tangent Lock:
Locks the tangents of a control point, so that they are not ad-
justed when the control point or its neighbor is moved.
When locked, thetangents move ifthe control pointis moved,
but they are not kept in the same relative orientation and
length from their neighbors.When unlocked,a tangent's length
and direction are adjusted to preserve the same relation to its
For example, when unlocked, a tangent that points directly
toward a neighbor—thereby creating no curve between the
point and the tangent—never creates a curve between a point
and its neighbor, when either the point or its neighbor is
Tangent Lock can be set independently for both horizontal
and vertical tangents.
Tangent Symmetry:
Enables Tangent Symmetry, so that moving a tangent on the
axis also moves the opposite tangent symmetrically.
When enablingsymmetry onnon-symmetrical tangents, they
are adjusted so that they are symmetrical.
171Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideAppendix I: Workflow layouts