
Timeline pane: The Timeline pane displays the layered content of one timeline. Do not
confuse the Timeline pane with the Timelines pane, which contains all the Timelines
and Timeline Groups in a given scene. Use the Timeline pane to compose the show or
multimedia installation by assembling media assets in time. Create as many Timelines
as you want, and add video, image, sound, or real-time graphics in layers.
Propertiespane: TheProperties panegives accessto alluser-editable elements.Toaccess
the properties of any user-interface element, click on the element to open its Properties
Inputs: The Inputs pane allows you to create open sound control (OSC) and tangible
user interface object (TUIO) inputs that can then be used to control real-time media
elements in your project.
Viewport:The Viewport paneprovides upto fourdistinct viewsof the 3Dscenein order
to facilitate viewing and moving 3D objects and displays. Click on the Views Template
button, in the top right-hand corner of the Viewport pane, to change the number and
layout of views.
Settings pane: TheProjection study section ofthe Settings menuprovides accessto key
features of the Projection Study Tool.
The X-Agora Designer User Guide
The X-Agora Designer User Guide documents the panes, tools, and workflow layouts in
X-Agora. You may access this documentation from within X-Agora by selecting the
Help menu from the left-hand side of the menu bar and selecting Help from the Help
menu. You may also access this documentation by pressing the F1 key. With your
cursor inany pane, youcan presstheF1 key to displaythe documentation for that pane.
59Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideSection 4: Software