Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring Inspection for Voice and Video Protocols
H.323 Inspection
Add/Edit HSI Group
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > H323 > H323 Inspect Map > Advanced View >
Add/Edit HSI Group
The Add/Edit HSI Group dialog box lets you configure HSI Groups.
• Group ID—Enter the HSI group ID.
• IP Address—Enter the HSI IP address.
• Endpoints—Lets you configure the IP address and interface of the endpoints.
IP Address—Enter an endpoint IP address.
Interface—Specifies an endpoint interface.
• Add—Adds the HSI group defined.
• Delete—Deletes the selected HSI group.
Add/Edit H.323 Map
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > H232 > H323 Inspect Map > Advanced View >
Add/Edit H323 Inspect
The Add/Edit H.323 Inspect dialog box lets you define the match criterion and value for the H.323
inspect map.
• Single Match—Specifies that the H.323 inspect has only one match statement.
• Match Type—Specifies whether traffic should match or not match the values.
For example, if No Match is selected on the string “example.com,” then any traffic that contains
“example.com” is excluded from the class map.
• Criterion—Specifies which criterion of H.323 traffic to match.
Called Party—Match the called party.
Calling Party—Match the calling party.
Media Type—Match the media type.
• Called Party Criterion Values—Specifies to match on the H.323 called party.
Regular Expression—Lists the defined regular expressions to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expressions dialog box, which lets you configure regular
Regular Expression Class—Lists the defined regular expression classes to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expression Class dialog box, which lets you configure
regular expression class maps.
• Calling Party Criterion Values—Specifies to match on the H.323 calling party.
Regular Expression—Lists the defined regular expressions to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expressions dialog box, which lets you configure regular