IM581127000 Installation Instructions
Issue AB, March 22, 2012 Spec. No. 581127000 (Model 710NPBA)
Page 102 Chapter 5. Installing the Modules and Initially Starting the System
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d) Requirement: External “Relay 2 Major Summary Alarm” and “Relay 8
Rectifier Major Alarm” remain active. External “Relay 1 Critical Summary
Alarm” and “Relay 11 Rectifier Critical Alarm” (requires EIB Interface Board
to be installed in the system) activate.
5) Reinstall the rectifier(s). Refer to Installing the Rectifiers at the beginning of this
a) Requirement: “Power” indicator on subject rectifier(s) goes from off to
b) Requirement: ACU+ “Critical/Major” alarm indicator goes from red to off.
c) Requirement: Press ESC repeatedly to return to the Main screen. ACU+
displays “No Alm”.
d) Requirement: All external alarms deactivate.
Checking Converter Alarm Procedure
1) Verify system is operating and no alarms are present.
2) Verify the ACU+ displays the Main screen. If not, press ESC repeatedly to return
to the Main screen.
3) Pull one converter half way out of the shelf. To do this, first loosen the captive
screw on the module handle. Pull the handle to pivot it out of the module front
panel (this will also retract the latch mechanism located at the right side of the
module). Refer to Figure 5-2 for latch mechanism illustration.
a) Requirement: An audible alarm sounds. Alarm will be silenced in
Requirement c).
b) Requirement: ACU+ “Critical/Major” alarm indicator goes from off to red.
c) Requirement: ACU+ displays “Alarm”.
To see the specific alarm, press ENT to display the Main Menu.
Navigate as follows: “Status” (ENT) / “Active Alarm” (ENT).
The “Active Alarm” screen lists one major alarm.
Press ENT. “Conv ### Comm Fail Major” is displayed.
d) Requirement: External “Relay 2 Major Summary Alarm” and “Relay 10
Converter Major Alarm” (requires EIB Interface Board to be installed in the
system) activate.
Note: If the system is equipped with only one converter, skip step 4).
4) Pull a second converter half way out of the shelf, as described in Step 3).
a) Requirement: An audible alarm sounds. Alarm will be silenced in
Requirement c).
b) Requirement: ACU+ “Critical/Major” alarm indicator stays red.
c) Requirement: Press ESC repeatedly to return to the Main screen. ACU+
displays “Alarm”.
To see the specific alarm, press ENT to display the Main Menu.
Navigate as follows: “Status” (ENT) / “Active Alarm” (ENT).
The Active Alarm screen lists one critical and two major alarms.
Press ENT. “Conv Group Multi-Conv Fail Critical” is displayed.
Use arrow keys to scroll through the list of alarms.
“Conv ### Comm Fail Major” is displayed for each removed converter.