Epson 1640XL Scanner User Manual

IEEE 1394 FireWire Scanner Interface Card
To use the IEEE 1394 FireWire scanner interface
card (B808342), your Power Macintosh must be
running Macintosh OS 8.6 or later with FireWire
Update 2.1 or later. Your PC must have an OHCI
compliant FireWall port or card, and must be
running a pre-installed version of Windows 2000.
When you install the scanner
software, FireWire Update 2.1 will automatically be installed
or updated, if it’s not already on your Macintosh or if you have
an older version.
This section explains how to install the IEEE 1394 FireWire scanner interface card in
your scanner, and how to connect the scanner to your computer.
Installing the Card in Your Scanner
Before you begin, turn off the scanner and disconnect the power cord and any cables.
1. Remove the two screws securing the shield
plate to the scanner’s optional interface
slot, and then remove the plate. Put the
screws in a safe place in case you want to
reinstall the shield plate later.
Static electricity can damage electronic components like the
IEEE 1394 FireWire scanner interface card. To discharge static
electricity, touch the scanner’s metal frame before handling
the card.