Servicing Boards and Components 155
FIGURE: Installing a Hard Drive Cage (Illustrating Installation in a SPARC Enterprise
T5240 Server)
2. Connect the hard drive data cables.
Press the plug into its socket until the plug snaps into place.
If the cables do not reach the hard drive cage, perform this step after Step 4.
3. (SPARC Enterprise T5140 server, 8 disk-capable) Remove fan FM1.
4. Slide the hard drive cage back until the hard drive backplane engages with the
paddle card connector.
5. Replace the No. 2 Phillips screws securing the hard drive cage to the chassis.
Two screws secure the disk cage to each side of the chassis.
6. (SPARC Enterprise T5240 server) Install the fan power boards.
See “Install the Fan Power Board” on page 150.