184 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Service Manual • June 2011
consolehistory command, 59
DC OK (power supply LED), 95
device identifiers
CMP/memory modules, 107
fan tray, 88
FB-DIMMs, 116
hard drive, 83
PCIe card, 99
power supply, 94
diag_level parameter, 30, 62
diag_mode parameter, 30, 62
diag_trigger parameter, 30, 62
diag_verbosity parameter, 30, 62
about, 12
flowchart, 14
low level, 22
running remotely, 18
using Oracle VTS, 21
disablecomponent command, 57
displaying FRU status, 28
dmesg command, 39
DVD-ROM drive
installing, 123
removing, 122
ejector tabs, FB-DIMM, 109
electrostatic discharge (ESD)
preventing using an antistatic mat, 65
preventing using an antistatic wrist strap, 65
safety measures, 65
emergency shutdown, 68
using Power button, 5
enablecomponent command, 53
environmental faults, 15, 16, 19, 36
event log, checking the PSH, 49
exercising the system with Oracle VTS, 42
External I/O Expansion Unit
fault detected by show faulty command, 38
faults detection in, 18
Fan Fault (system LED)
interpreting to diagnose faults, 35
fan tray, 87
determining fault state, 35
device identifiers, 88
Fault LED, 35
installing, 86, 88
removing, 85, 87
fan tray carriage
installing, 134
removing, 133
fan tray LEDs
about, 89
using to identify faults, 35
fan trays
about, 84
Fault (hard drive LED), 35
Fault (power supply LED), 90, 95
fault manager daemon, fmd(1M),21
fault records, 54
fault recovery
CMP module, 159
I/O device, 162
clearing POST-detected faults, 52
detected by POST, 15, 36, 38
detected by PSH, 15, 38
diagnosing with LEDs, 34 to 35
environmental, 15, 16, 36
environmental, displayed by show faulty
command, 37
FB-DIMM, 110
forwarded to ILOM, 18
recovery, 19
repair, 19
types of, 37
FB-DIMM fault button, 117
FB-DIMM Fault LEDs, 35
adding, 113
degraded, 164
device identifiers, 116
diagnosing with fault button, 117
diagnosing with show faulty command, 110
disabling to run system in degraded state, 164
ejector tabs, 109